Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Candidates and Narratives

Having a narrative is important for an election because it keeps candidates in line. Supporters can always follow through and see what the candidates are about.

I believe a candidates narrative is basically their slogan. Their slogan represents what their debates are on, what they believe in , what they follow, and what they want to do in order to make America better. Their slogans(narratives) calls on the dramatic devices and raises issues.  Donald Trumph goes by "Make America Great Again." This narrative is the reason why Trumph makes a fool of himself on national television. He addresses situation in the most aggressive, annoying and disrespectful way. He has crafted his own problems and candidates respond to him. The media coverage surrounds him and make his issues important.

Another narrative that is used for the 2016 election is Ben Carson's is heal, inspire, and revive. he shows more of his care to family and takes a much more humble approach. He uses his childhood and his accomplishments as the story line of his narrative.

1 comment:

  1. Tosin,

    I like where you are going with your narratives blog post BUT I think you need to link how Trump's "Make America Great" slogan is directly linked to his making a fool of himself. How do the 2 go together?

    For Carson, what has he said about his childhood specifically that reflects heal, inspire and revive.

    How you address these 2 issues is how you discuss the narratives of the 2 candidates!
