Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Candidates Narrative

Every candidate has their own narrative that they want to get across to the public. The two candidates that will be discussed are Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Lets start off with Hillary Clinton and the narrative that she is giving is on the “Together”. How she is trying to bring everyone together and that everyone is equal. Hillary is sending a great message to she supporters, but she needs to state more. In every speech event or debate she has been in. She has always referenced President Obama and she needs to start stating her own ideas. In cases she has talked about her ideas, but in a sense of togetherness she needs to talk about her plans and not bounce off what President Obama has done.

Now to Bernie Sanders she narrative is “Fed up” telling the public how this is a corrupt political system and fix this economy. How he wants fix America and make the future brighter. He is tired of all the problems and wants to change it. Bernie Sanders has taken a big leap in the Polls because playing the part of the “little guy” has helped him a lot. Now with all the support from Super PAC and lobby groups lets see if Bernie changes because he wants to fix America, but it is tough when your message is not clear and you want to fight the tide.

Both candidates have their stands, but are their narratives enough to get the votes of the people in using dramatic storylines. 

1 comment:

  1. FYI: Bernie Sanders is NOT taking money from a Super PAC!
    Make sure your facts are accurate.
