Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Narratives: Donald Trump & Ben Carson

Narratives play a vital role in a candidate's campaign.  It's a like a car salesman practicing a sales pitch to draw customers in to purchasing a brand new car.  Each candidate has a narrative that they want to pitch to get the attention of an audience.  The people need to what you are about and how you have become to be the person you are today.

Of course, depending on your narrative, it can bring out the best and sometimes the worst in people you are trying to reach.  I think this is best seen with presidential candidates Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson.  Donald Trump is known to be pretty outspoken and arrogant because of his success in real-estate but also in the front end of his presidential campaign.  As a result of his arrogance, he think that he can just say anything that comes to mind without any consequence and make a fool of himself as we have seen time and time again.  There's no substance behind his words on a variety of issues and his delivery is harsh and aggressive.   With his arrogance comes a lot of bashing and insulting other candidates.  During a GOP debate, Trump and Jeb Bush were going back and forth and Jeb said to Donald Trump, "you can't insult your way to the White House."
His slogan is that he can bring America back to the top.  "Make America Great Again", is what Donald Trump message is to the American people.  How can America be great when the candidate is encouraging violence against protestors at his rallies or trying to ban all Muslims from entering the country that is historically made up of immigrants of different religions from all over the world?  His words and actions don't match his narrative. 

On the flip side, you have a quiet, intelligent and humble candidate in Dr. Ben Carson.  Carson grew up poor and his childhood was tough.  His mother only received a third grade education.  Through hard work and dedication he became a world renowned neurosurgeon and that has become his narrative.  Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.  Let's heal and revive America.  Although Ben Carson's message is certainly more inspiring than Trump's, we lose sight of what he has to say and his vision for America because he's not surrounded by controversy and he does not portray himself to being a arrogant bully just to win the hearts and minds of the American people. 

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