Monday, February 1, 2016

Escape from Ted Cruz 2016: someone get me a camera!

Ted Cruz’s strategy is religious division and identity politics, dominionism and nativism (yes a Canadian immigrant who doesn’t like immigrants) to drum up support and is in many ways to the right of Donald trump. Ted Cruz is a Dominionist, meaning that he supports all aspects of America being subordinated to the Church, or rather the Church that Cruz agrees with and the world being subordinated to America.

His plan, his new order, does not involve the majority of America. He doesn’t think he needs them. He will when with the support of far right Evangelical Christians.

In contrast to Bernie Sanders who is casting a wide net to get voters where ever he can find them by appealing to all American Ted Cruz wants a small dedicated following. It’s not an entirely bad idea. An organized minority can be more powerful than a disorganized majority.

He knows though that conservative Evangelicals alone won’t give him the White House. So he’s going for other groups, he’s trying to market himself to Jews by talking about how he will unconditionally support Israel. He has also come up with idiotic accusations that the Democratic Party is at war with the Catholic Church.

A testament to my theory. Is that he began his campaign at Liberty University in Lynchburg which is essentially the capital of the conservative Evangelical movement. Before I go on I’m not characterizing Evangelical Christianity as a whole, I’m talking about the political movement represented by the university. His campaign will be based on a religious and cultural movement rather than appealing to America as a whole. What’s worse is that the movement that will characterize his movement is totalitarian in its nature.

 Seriously take this into account, this is the kind of regime that would be foisted upon America if he won and no I’m not talking about a new prohibition I’m talking about a mentality of tyranny and control. The University was founded by Jerry Falwell. A man with some disturbing beliefs, beliefs that might be strange for a citizen to have but dangerous for a man who can push a button and launch a nuclear missile. He sincerely believed that the wars going on in the Middle East were part of a biblical prophecy By launching his campaign at this site I can’t rule out that Cruz believes this to. At the very least Donald Trump doesn’t believe most of what he says.

Anyone seen escape from L.A. It’s a 90’s movie so it might be before you time. It shows a theocratic Falwell like president who sincerely believes God wants him to deport people who don’t fit into his ideal image of America(sounds familiar  him to a prison Island and waging war world wide(also sounds familiar.

The president from Escape from L.A.(does he look familiar to you? He also has Trump look as well to him)
Now why am I interjecting my own dislike of this man into an article that is supposed to be about the strategy of a candidate. The answer is that his campaign strategy of us against them will create what was once fiction. The end result will be this.

Fact will become fiction. One plus is I liked the movie though I’m not sure I’ll enjoy living it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the YouTube link. The movie's president is a nice mix of Cruz and Trump!
