Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton !

Yes, almost every other blogger has done Hillary Clinton but it is obvious who employs communicative strategies the best. Hillary Clinton uses social media and a variety of slogans to persuade the audience. On many candidates twitter account, they are not always the actual person writing the things on social media.

The candidates have a variety of people who take different positions to help the candidates. The thing about Hillary's twitter, in her bio it states " wife, mom, grandma; women+kids advocate, FLOTUS, Senator, SecState, hair icon, pantsuit, aficionado, 2016 presidential candidate.
Tweets from Hilary signed  -H" The great thing about her bio is that she actually lets her supporters and twitter family know that she actually tweets many of the tweets.

Knowing that she cares and actually writes her twitter, will gain her greater audience.
Another thing about her bio is she clearly states what she does and who she is rather than having a bio full of presidential slogan. Rand Paul's twitter bio states" I fight for the constitution, individual liberty, and the freedom that makes this country great." In my opinion, this is like a typical campaign slogan.

Also, Hilary has is her aggressive but non-aggressive behavior. I have yet to see a campaign add where Hilary calls out other candidates.
Her caring and her leadership I believe has also gotten her far. On her twitter she has an advertisement that has republicans saying extremely nice things about her. That advertisement alone is the best way to catch all party voters.

1 comment:

  1. How else is Hillary communicating beside through social media?
