Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Trump's political communication strategies

When I think of communication strategies and politics the first name that comes to mind is Donald Trump. After all, most would say that the only reason he is still in the Presidential debate is because of his extreme communication tactics that have caught not only the attention of media outlets but also perspective voters. Trump has no stops when it comes to reaching others in his campaign trail. According to his website, https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, Trump has over 7 million social media followers. Social media is obviously a large part in Donald Trump’s effective communication strategy, especially since this platform is easy to use and it makes it possible to reach people all around the United States at the same time. Trump has an Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and also his own website which allows you to connect with him and view his ideas. He has been a celebrity for quite some time now and is use to using effective communication strategies to communicate with fans, so now he just turns that strategy and tweaks it a little and he now has a political communication strategy. Looking over Tweets and Instagram posts made by Trump it is clear that he uses some sort political communication consultant to help craft his posts. A tweet from 10:04 AM today says “On my way to Iowa- just received new national poll numbers. Thank You! #MakeAmeriaGreatAgain #Trump2016” This tweet is also imbedded with a picture showing the results of the latest poll numbers. The communication consultant behind Trump knows that the hashtags on Twitter are important and a must. Through these hashtags everyone can search and see what is trending and who is talking 
about Trump.

When it comes to political communication strategies in broadcast, Trump has seemed to master the idea of know your audience. People tuning in to these debates and potential voters are real everyday people who believe that politicians are supposed to be real people too. Unfortunately, most of the time the politicians representing the political parties are people who come out, give a speech, keep their cool, debate with little to know passion and then walk off the stage. Trump is a completely different ballpark when it comes to giving speeches. He tries to simplify his information being given to the best of his abilities so that everyone understands what he is saying. He is also not afraid to act a little crazy or be blunt and straight to the point on stage because he knows what people want to see, which is passion with a side of insane. In an article posted on https://www.washingtonpost.com/ in an article titled, How Donald Trump turns hecklers into headlines, you get to see a video post of how he deals with people interrupting his speeches versus how other candidates deal with it. Trump uses the hecklers as a way of making a joke, and laughing at what they are saying, whereas the other candidates in the video seem to get discouraged by the hecklers and don’t really know how to work the crowd the way he does. In the end Trump uses extreme communication tactics in order to spark people’s interest in his politics. The real lingering question is, is Trump the ultimate showman/ businessman or possibly the next president of the United States? 

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