Sunday, January 24, 2016

Rick Santorum's use of ads and Facebook

Rick Santorum has attempted four very distinct ad campaigns.

My count has Santorum with five ads; two are attack ads against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, one is aimed at Senator Rand Paul and former Governor Mike Huckabee simultaneously and one is addressed at Senator Ted Cruz.

None of the ads are targeted against Republican front-runner mainstay Donald Trump. In fact, in one debate Santorum insisted that personal attacks amongst Republicans only helped Hillary Clinton.

In his latest ad, released on January 20th Santorum implored that voters join him so that together they may, “… take back America from the Left, the special interests and the DC Establishment!”

Santorum uses his Facebook mostly to chronicle his journey through Iowa and New Hampshire. Occasionally a letter to the editor from the Union Leader or an interview on Fox News Radio is shared along with the occasional video from C-SPAN, but mostly the Senator seems to want folks to know that he’s working hard in the early states to earn votes. The other important component of Santorum’s Facebook is the repetitive posting of his victory over partial birth abortions. As a part of that Santorum includes pictures of him and his family holding up pieces of paper, all with different statements written on them, but all with the hashtag #WhyWeMarch.

The two rhetorical appeals Santorum uses most often are accumulation and antithesis. Santorum said in one debate, “We’re a country of laws, Bill. A country of laws, not of men […] But the reason America’s a great country, the reason is because our compassion’s in our laws.”

Accumulation has not worked for Santorum to persuade or mobilize voters as evidenced by his place in undercard debates and his sustained low poll numbers (His highest polling in the 2016 cycle was 11%).

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