Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Losing strategy?

Hillary Clinton has a long list of credentials making her a great candidate to become president. But controversy seemed to have cast a shadow over her career. Her scandals include Bill Clinton’s indiscretion with Monica Lewinsky, the white water real estate controversy, and the Benghazi attack. Hillary Clinton’s career and personal life has faced many obstacles, but has also given her the opportunity to be the Democratic front runner for president. Her team of consultants have worked very hard to sell you this image of Hillary Clinton which is untainted by the controversies surrounding her. Bill Maher praised Clinton’s ability to avoid harmful affects her controversies. “Hillary Clinton eats scandals for breakfast” he said on his talk show and it has been proven to be true thanks to her strong will and her consulting team.
Her team consists of many who had helped Obama win his presidency as well as a few from the Clinton administration and consulting staff. This team knows nothing but success, and have been extremely successful in gaining votes for the former Secretary of State. Her scandals involving her husband’s indiscretions and the Benghazi attacks are almost unheard of in the media anymore. Bringing up both have been deemed almost impolite because the first should not affect her ability to run the country and the ladder has gone to hearings several times without any evidence of wrong doing.

Even with this winning team by her side (that has gone so far as to have her speak in different dialects to appeal to constituents) her democratic opponent is gaining more and more traction with democratic voters. The team of media consultants and speech writers have not helped to minimize the influence that Bernie sanders is gaining. shows that Sanders has only 10-15 consultants helping him gain votes while Clinton has over 40. With all her resources and money one would think that her lead should be in the double digits but, somewhere she has lost touch with the public. I think that even with all of her media consultants she cannot relate to the general public because, she seems insincere. She seems like an actor, a carefully crafted idea of what strategists believe a president should be. Her strategy has now turned into a desperate attempt to try and relate to millennial voters. But we aren’t buying it

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