Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trump's Triumph with the Media

When it come to how a presidential candidate persuades and mobilizes the public, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are great examples because both of their campaigns are really going strong with supporters.  Although they are great examples, Donald Trump really takes the cake with me.  Not because I support him or anything but because he can say damn near anything that comes to his mind without any preparation or guidance and it seems to help instead of hurting his chances of becoming the GOP nominee. 

Donald Trump is everywhere.  He uses Twitter heavily, not only to reach out to his supporters but also voice his opinion about certain issues and how he feels towards other presidential candidates whether positive or negative.  Many Americans feel like Donald Trump lacks the credentials needed to hold the highest office in our government including other candidates and politicians within the GOP party.  Well, since he has announced that he would be running for president, no other candidate in the GOP party has been able to stop his incredible surge in the polls and clearly he is in the driver's seat heading into the Iowa Caucus on February 1st.

Donald Trump is a billionaire business man.   In his opinion America is in steep decline.   His campaign slogan is "Make America Great Again" and it resonates with supporters around the country because they share his same feelings about the direction in which the country is heading.  Another reason he is so popular with audiences is because he's not a politically correct guy.  He's not a career politician that knows how to clean up what he is saying to manipulate the American people.  He tells it like it is and for the most part people love that.  He knows that the American people are sick of the career politicians and their political rhetoric and he uses that to his advantage to reach more undecided voters.  Trump is so popular that you wonder is there anything that he can do wrong.  Whether he engages in cat fights with Fox news anchor Megyn Kelly to pointing out Senator Ted Cruz's citizenship status or even Jeb Bush not being a strong leader, the fact remains that he whatever he is doing in any aspect of persuading and mobilizing supporters whether it is right or is indeed working.

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