Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hillary and Trump defy framing.

They defy framing because they don't fit a category, neither of them do. Each of them unlike most politicians is their own man or woman, not something stamped and created. Neither Hillary or Trump sell parties or brands, they sell themselves. I’ve learned this partially from talking to people who support either one and they are more likely to tell me about how great their candidate is on an issue and less likely to tell me about that issue. Right now a lot of the debate is centering on foreign policy so this is where I will direct my attention to is this hybrid assignment.

The Horse race: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the winners of the Horse Race. They have the delegates and they have clear enough numbers that nomination is almost a certainty. The primaries are still ongoing but itsall over but the shouting. 

The Conflict: The debate between Hillary and Trump is different than the debate between the Republicans and the Democrats. The debate between the Republicans and Democrats has traditionally been between cold and warm, tough and nice, force and diplomacy. This is no longer true if we take into account the candidates their running.

The Issues: Before when I would hear people debating the candidates I would hear people talk about how the Republicans were "strong on defense" and others arguing that the Democrats "would keep us out of wars". Maybe that’s still true about the parties Hillary and Trump have swapped those sets of issues. Hillary seems to want a confrontation with Russia while Trump wants to get along with them. Hillary wants America to be pro-Israel while Trump wants to be neutral.  It’s confusing if you think of them as representations of their parties.

The Attributes: 
Here’s the thing. They’re not, their strong leaders, both very accomplished in their careers, you can tell in how they talk how they carry themselves, they’ll say what they have to get elected but neither of them will be anyone’s puppet, both have the personal and political strength to create a cult of personality. 

This can be considered both good and bad depending on how you view it. If you’re a party loyalist well you frame of thought, your way of deciding where your vote goes just doesn’t work anymore. On a personal note I don’t like the candidates but I like the chaos, the status quo. My advice for those who are voting is to focus on the candidate and not the party, because the old rules no longer apply.

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