Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Frame

Horse Race: In an article from the New York Times is about how Hillary Clinton is trying to close the enthusiasm gap with Bernie Sanders in Iowa. This article tells the audience Sanders had the support of the voters in Iowa and Clinton tired to gain voters by attacking Sanders. She hosted events in which she spoke about raising income tax to the rich and also having celebrating endorsements like Lena Dunham from the HBO show “Girls”

Candidate Attributes: Hillary states that she is the only candidate that has a plan to defeat the Islamic state. She is showing her characteristic that she is a leader, smart, and tough. The article states that she has given plans to defeat ISIS and how other candidates have not given out their plans.

Issues: Ted Crus comments about how law enforcements show patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods after the terrorist’s attacks in Brussels.  Cruz got backlash from the Muslim Americans.

Conflict: Ted Cruz vs. John Kasich in a New York Times article is about how Cruz I facing a new opponent after Rubio drops out of race. That article talks about how the two will face each other by comparing resumes and to see who will come out on top.

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