Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Campaign So Far

This political season has revealed several things about the candidates.  For one, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump have kept a very consistent narrative throughout their campaigning.  Donald Trump continues to bully “the establishment” and other candidates.  By some unexplained phenomenon, he maintains a great lead over the other candidates despite opposition from the mainstream’s narrative.  In the end, his message/narrative has been consistent.  Bernie has stayed on track with constantly talking about Income and inequality.  He has also avoided attacking other opponents.  Hillary Clinton has been consistent but has started adding attacks in her narrative.  This is also something the mainstream media predicted she would do.

Agenda Setting
The Mainstream media is running a campaign themselves.  They are running one article after another trying to expose Trump’s past.  NY Times, Washington Post, CNN have been the biggest who are clearly trying to expose Trump.  It has been clear agenda setting if I’ve ever seen it before.  It’s interesting because due to attention the media has given Trump, they are “huge” reason Trump is where he is.  They won’t stop talking about him.

Many have compared Trump to Hitler because of his ability to use emotional appeal to persuade his followers to believe whatever he says.  He’s appealing to the anger of the American people towards the establishment.  As long as he says what his followers are thinking and then it doesn’t matter what he says after that.  

 Marco Rubio on the other hand has failed to gain voter approval because his Rhetoric is so weak.  People just shrug their shoulders when he speaks.  They don’t leave feeling inspired.  They don’t walk away saying this guy is presidential.  Ted Cruz use of emotional appeal has increasingly improved and people are responding.  He talks like a pastor talking to a church crowd but with a negative twist.

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