Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Framing the 2016 Election

There are a number of ways in which news outlets frame their stories. This Politico article entitled “Sanders scrambles to keep pace with Clinton” illustrates one type of framing, horse race coverage, well. The article discusses Bernie Sander’s recent wins in Utah and Idaho, as well as the upcoming states his campaign expects to perform well in. The article also discusses Sander’s delegate count and the long odds his campaign has of overcoming Hillary Clinton. Framing the article by Sander’s position in the Democratic nomination race could cause voters to view the candidate negatively when confronted with the fact Sander’s will likely lose.
Another type of framing centers on conflict within a political race. The Politico article titled “Trump and Cruz shift to trench warfare” illustrates this, along with some horse race coverage. The article discusses recent attacks between the three remaining Republican candidates, including over the wives of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. In addition to this, the article talks of recent attacks on Kasich that he should drop out of the race. Coverage like this could make readers develop negative views of some candidates, depending on whether they agree with the criticisms or not.
Additionally, media outlets can frame stories by covering issues. “Ted Cruz: Police need to 'patrol and secure' Muslim neighborhoods,” an article from CNN, talks of recent statements made by Ted Cruz in regards to national security and religious liberty. The CNN article discusses Cruz’s support for increased policing of Muslim heavy areas within the U.S. This type of coverage could influence readers positively or negatively, depending on their beliefs in regards to the issue discussed.

Finally, news sources can cover elections through the lens of character attributes. This Washington Post article, “Again: Nothing is off limits for Donald Trump, including spouses,” looks at Trump through this lens, as well as through the lens of conflict. Trump’s insults and attacks on other politicians and public figures are discussed as a means of examining his character. This type of framing can paint the subject of the article in a negative light, highlighting the candidate’s negative attributes.

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