Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mid Semester Catch Up

In the beginning were defining what we believed political communications mean now as we followed the campaign, we can see all the different political campaign that is used so far in the race.

First, we have Social media. Communication can be a conversation, a non-verbal action, and anything that deals with interacting with one or more person. Social media was used to interact with the younger crowd.

The use of social media has grown over the past few years and candidates were involved on their social sites to communicate with the public. People are able to comment on tweets. respond on tweets, and candidates are able to write their future plans once they are elected. Many of the candidates initial tweets that are written directly from them rather than the campaign crew that runs some of their social sites.

Second, holding rallies is typical for any candidate that is running for office but is always a plus.  Bernie Sanders took a good approach when he decided to do a Historically Black College and University tour. He visited different prodominally black historic colleges to address the main issue of "black lives matter." His tactic was an example of political communications. His use of visiting those colleges gave African-Americans a sense of relief that someone cares about their life and about the issues going on today. He communicated with that particular ethnicity to gain support.

Third, Creating a hashtag or slogan is also a big part if the presidential candidate race.  Marco Rubio uses his hashtag #micromentum. The hashtag is used to capture the audience's attention. It allows voters to participate by hash tagging their tags, using it as a form of communication of letting others know who they support. The slogans and tags are used on car stickers, written on windows or used on T-shirts.

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