Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Three themes

The presidential election has been interesting those far and looks to only continue. All the candidates have used different concepts in their political campaign in order to gain attention from the audience. One of the main tools that is Social Media because the candidates can use twitter to interact with the audience.

In the last two political campaigns, social media has played an enormous part for the candidates to be able to get their message across to the audience or obtain headlines. Trump has become an expert at using social media as communication to attack other candidates and interact with voters.

Beside social media, candidates do rallies to get closer to the people. An examples is presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who has taken the approach of talking to the younger crowd and the minorities. Sanders is using the political communication to gain voters and support.
The speeches that the candidates do are to inform the people of the ideas that they want to get across so that is the importance of social media and rallies. In the same concept that the candidates use hash tags as the one seen in the Trump tweet to allow audience to interact in a specific topic and to continue the movement. This theme is method to continue the support of candidates or particular views.

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