Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ben Carson's Communication Strategy

In case you did not know, Ben Carson was the first doctor to separate conjoined twins joined from the head, he  also developed a way to control brain seizures. So how did he become a valuable candidate for the 2016 elections?

The way candidates promote themselves gives them better support. Every candidate has found a way to connect with the audience either it is through social media or through debates. Ben Carson has found his own strategy in promoting the way people support him. Ben Carson wrote a book called "Gifted hands" where he talks about how he over came property as well as conjoining to siamese twins joined from the back of their head.  I believe since then, he has slowly used that as a way to get through to people during the election.

On Carson's website, he uses the slogan "Our hand heal" #ourhands  which his way of involving his supporters. From gifted hands to our hands. "Our" includes everyone, it brings supporters closer to him and also them to know it is about them. Because Carson is very well known for his medical experience as well as he books, using his hands as they key to winning may work for him.

Carson #ourhands is seen all over his website
from children, women and men. Getting supporters involved with campaigning is a great strategy for candidates. Carson used something he was well known of before the presidential campaign and incorporated it into his candidacy.

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