Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Political Communication

Political communications is the interaction between the government and citizens through advertisement, television, and social media. This also refers to interactions between governments either domestic or foreign. One of the ways that the 2016 Presidential candidates use political communications is by social media and advertisement. This is really important in politics because without political communication there will not be a way that the politicians can communicate with the public.
The candidates try to connect with citizens in order to give their views and goals to which they believe in to get approval from the public. This is also used to inform the other candidates and parties about their views, which is important because it leads to debate and attacks of other candidates on their views. These views are on immigrations, gun violence, economy, unemployment, and etc.

One of the main topics now is the use of gun violence. After the State of the Union Hillary Clinton released an ad on gun violence using political communication in order to communicate with the audience. The ad  is to connect with the audience to see give her views on the gun violence and stating which side she stands for. This is a perfect use of political communications to inform the public, parties, and candidates of her views on the gun violence topic.  After the ad was released The Times did an article on the Hillary Clinton ad in which the article goes in depth on her ad about gun violence and relating it to her previous ad.

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