Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How The Old Man Is Getting The Young Votes!

Bernie Sanders is the oldest candidate running for office today and he has achieved a mobilization of Millennials unlike any other candidate running today. Candidates on both sides use inflammatory words, negative advisement, and political and racist rhetoric. Meanwhile Bernie Sanders has spoken against this type of advertising of his campaign. He prides himself on having a campaign run based solely on fact. Then how is he persuading the young millennials, who are said to be the generation which is most swayed by popular culture. If these conventional forms of advertising and persuasion are not working on the new generation of voter then this could mean a dynamic shift in the way politicians advertise themselves to the general public.

Bernie sanders has achieved great mobilization by creating a policy built on facts and a trustworthy narrative. “A political revolution is coming.” is the slogan he chooses to ignite a sense of urgency in voters. Voters must help with his campaign for it to succeed. Bernie sanders refuses money from many billionaires and all super pacs (unlike the campaign of trump and Hillary Clinton. Their copious amounts of funds have been vital in securing them a front running position in their respective parties). Millennials want to be a part of this revolution. Millennials feel like they have been tricked by conventional politics and demand a different way of doing things. They reach out to their fellow students and friends with memes and quotes on social media. "What keeps me up at night is trying to figure out how else I can help him and what else I can do." says one young prospective voter to Vice News. This mobilization is driven by a passionate youth.

His image has actually helped to create an image base on what some are saying is pure and simple “love”. He persuades his voters into believing that this Love is honest. Love does not manipulate ideas to gain votes. Love is not preaching hate and intolerance about minorities. And most of all Bernie has earned the love of his voters by having the credentials that seem to back what he believes in. He has videos dating back several decades, of him preaching this same tolerance and concern over the average American worker that he shows on the debate stage. Bernie sanders may have struck a chord with what millennials really want to be sold: a truth without emotional manipulation. But this is a time of fear and anger for many of the voters he is trying to reach. It’s hard to sell love when many feel so much hate.

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