Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Marco Rubio's communication methods

Marco Rubio has consistently been a front-runner in Republican polls, typically falling short behind Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz. Perhaps in recognition of this fact, Rubio has taken it upon himself to engage constituents a little more directly by utilizing media, both mass and social, to his advantage.

For instance, Rubio started a podcast this month in order to push out opinions and agendas in digestible sizes. Rubio has already demonstrated his ability to utilize Twitter and Facebook, which is how he announced the most recent podcast entry, but by providing his own voice unfettered by media and political events, the effect feels more direct and personal.

Just as importantly, an ad was released yesterday in Iowa emphasizing Rubio's stance against lobbyists. This comes at a crucial moment as the Iowa caucus quickly approaches within the coming month. Ads from candidates are not uncommon, but the timing of the ad in addition to his other methods shows how the senator wishes to finally step up to the plate.

Ads have been crucial to Rubio's campaign. Recently, he posted ads on his website stating that he is gaining momentum in key states. This comes in handy as he prepares to square off with his Republican opponents and attempts to give more steam to campaign, while reducing Trump's, Carson's, and Cruz's.

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