Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bernie Sanders' Communication Strategy

When it comes to communicating with their audience among presidential candidates, Bernie Sanders seems to accomplish this in a little more personal way. Those who have been following him from the beginning know that his campaign has been mostly about how he came from essentially nothing and can relate to the common middle-class American. Online on social media as well as his website, Sanders expands on this and truly tries to connect with everyday men and women in a very casual way, showing his voters that he understands where they are coming from.

On Sanders' Instagram, the first thing people see is his description, which reads, "We're gonna have some fun. We're gonna make a political revolution. We're gonna transform America. Other than that, not much." Off the bat, one can see that Sanders is communicating in a very informal, personal way. On his website at the very bottom of the homepage, it notes the campaign is paid for by Sanders himself, "not the billionaires." Again, he shows us who he is trying to reach by being casual. Sanders also has a catchy slogan, "Feel the Bern," that appeals to a lot of his younger followers who are mostly middle-class men and women fresh into college and older looking for a steady 40-hour-a-week job. He has also appeared on many popular talk shows, including the daytime talkshow Ellen, to show his audience his more personal, inviting side. Summed up, Sanders is really trying his hardest to show America in any way possible that he is for the people.

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