Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Cruz On the Defensive

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks to supporters inside an airplane hanger at McCollum Field during a campaign stop in Georgia. BRANDEN CAMP/ZUMA WIRE

All the news channels have been on the Donald Trump kick since he announced he was running for the Republican nominee.  Talking about him boost the ratings.  Now, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is even using Trump's name on a regular basis.  It looks like he is trying to drive up his ratings by throwing Trump's name in the mix.

He’s even used images along with it.   His two most recent tweets are about challenging Trump on an one-on-one debate.  Cruz held a campaign speech where he joined potential voters in what looks like a barn.  He is clearly trying to appeal to these potential voters by stepping down from the podium and “meeting the people where they are.”  I think these techniques can be extremely effective if done properly.  However, you can see in the photo that the people are clearly freezing.  I would imagine that the people were probably distracted by the weather.

On Cruz's website, he posted a blog post about honoring those who died in the holocaust.  This is away to appeal to a different demographics.  Though Cruz's views on immigration are pretty strong, appealing to those who died in the holocaust could show he is indeed sympathetic to those outside of the U.S.

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