Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What Is Political Communications?

Politics in my opinion is defined with a couple of words rather than sentences; debates,citizens and leadership is a few words I use to define politics. Debates among candidates during elections is probably what we vision in our head when we hear the word politics. Debates are ways the candidates give their examples of making things better along with their "promises." The citizens play a huge role of politics. Not only do they vote,  they help with the campaign. Participating in online discussions, blogs, and giving opinions on social networks is all part of how citizens interact with the elections.  Politics involve candidates with great confidence that are looking forward into leading our country either it is local or internationally.

Communications in my opinion is the interaction among others as well as they way the interaction happens. For example: Non verbal communication is also communications. rolling your eyes, itching your skin during conversations, even looking away during an interview all has a type of meaning.
So how do these two words relate?

Political communications is the different interactions between politicians and everyone and everything else. In other words, the way politics and politicians come across and interact with society.  During debates viewers can notice the different non-verbal and verbal communications that candidates use to interact with audiences and viewers.
Donald Trump using his hands and face as communication

 Donald Trump uses a much more aggressive approach. He uses his hands as a very powerful communicator. Donald Trumph also uses his face as a non verbal communicator. Different candidates have media teams who tweet or uses other social media networks to connect with the younger audiences. Every interaction comes down to who, what, and why they are communicating.

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